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Complete Your Transportation Forms for 24-25 School Year

As a reminder, our partners at Hoglund Transportation are coordinating bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year, and we ask that you complete the necessary forms as soon as possible. Thank you to all families who have already completed these forms.

Student bus routes will be available via parent portal on August 22.

Returning Families:
Please complete the Permanent Change Form in its entirety. This can be done through Hoglund Transportation's website. If you do not have internet access, please call Hoglund Transportation at 763-295-3604 for assistance.

New Families:
Please complete the New Student/Families Form.

By completing these forms now, you provide valuable insights that help us plan the most effective and efficient bus routes possible, directly reducing the amount of time students spend on the bus. Also, please be sure to update your information if you move or have any daycare changes after completing the form.

Please note that transportation registration closes on August 18th and will remain closed until September 8th.

District Map

The outside turquoise line is the district boundary. The blue section is the Pinewood Elementary area and the purple section is the Little Mountain Elementary area.