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Why is it important for students to participate in Statewide testing?

Statewide assessments are tests that are given to Minnesota students each spring. They can be thought of as a snapshot of what students have learned. 

Just as student picture day provides a single image of a student for that school year, Minnesota’s statewide assessments provide only part of the story of individual student learning. All the photos—from the full classroom, the full grade level or the full district—offer even greater insight.

In the same way, Minnesota’s statewide assessments give teachers, school districts and state education leaders information in context that they can use to make decisions about education. Statewide testing has a minimal impact on overall instructional minutes in a school year with approximately 0.5% of a student's time spent on testing. Teachers and schools can use the information from testing results to help guide instruction and better support students. The state and members of the public can use the data to focus on the important goal of providing equitable opportunities for all students across the state.

2024-2025 Testing Dates and Additional Information

Parent/Guardian Guide


Staff resources

Monticello Assessment Website for staff training and resources