Curriculum Review Cycle
Curriculum & Instruction Review Process
The Monticello School District employs a comprehensive system to review and evaluate the effectiveness of all district curriculum and instruction.
Each year, a Curriculum Committee consisting of classroom teachers and administrators will examine the disciplines that are due for curricular review. Responsibilities during the review will be to examine the following components of each discipline area: Philosophy, Goals, Course Description, Standards and Benchmarks, Curricular Materials, Technology Integration, Assessment Results and Instructional Methods.
The Curriculum Committee will analyze and evaluate each discipline during the cyclical review. Information and input is provided by the Curriculum Advisory Committee. Recommendations for improvement in each discipline area will be made according to the six-year Curriculum Cycle and the Curriculum Review Process.
Comprehensive plans for district/school improvement are developed and/or revised annually and focus on increasing student achievement by enhancing instruction, upgrading curriculum and developing effective programming. Each of the various improvement plans and support systems are described briefly below.
Click here to access pdf file of Monticello's curriculum process and cycle