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Budget and Report Card

2024-2025 BUDGET

The School Board approved the 2024-2025 budget at their June 17, 2024 meeting.  The budget was built based on various assumptions that was approved by the School Board on March 18, 2024, and adjusted as any known legislative changes were approved, including: enrollment projection of 4,184 (ECSE-Gr 12), state aid increased 2%, revised Compensatory funds with higher # of families eligible for Free/Reduced meal benefits, CARES/ARP/ESSER funds are spent, other approved grants in place - Grow Your Own, MTSS, Mentoring, Intro to Education, and Nonexclusionary Discipline, staffing changes based on enrollment projections and student needs, salary and benefit increases based on contract settlements and budget parameters set by the School Board, 3 certified retirements each year, health insurance bids this summer, other expenditures (supplies and utilities) increase 0-10%, no short-term borrowing for cash flow, total expenditures will end up 0.5% under budget, carryover assigned fund balances on hold and evaluated at the end of the year, defer 3rd party billing funds for 2024-25, pay GASB 27 benefits with Committed Severance fund balance, utilize the Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) trust to pay for non-certified retiree insurance costs under contracts without sunset language, and the District's unassigned fund balance policy is 8-16% of the General Fund's expenditure.

The complete 2024-2025 budget presentation can also be found here.

Questions about the budget may be directed to Tina Burkholder at 763.272.2015.

Links to Previous Budgets:
2023-2024 Budget
2022-2023 Budget
2021-2022 Budget
2020-2021 Budget
2019-2020 Budget
2018-2019 Budget
2017-2018 Budget
2016-2017 Budget
2015-2016 Budget
2014-2015 Budget
2013-2014 Budget


Below is a summary of the projected revenues and expenditures for the District's various funds for the 2024-2025 school year.
2024-2025 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary

For additional information on school district information, please visit the Minnesota Department of Education's website.  MDE's new data center is designed to provide parents, educators, school districts, and citizens with easy access to test results, revenue and expenditure data, demographic information, and other critical data.  The data previously included in the report card pages is now available here.

Links to Previous Budgets:
2023-2024 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2022-2023 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2021-2022 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2020-2021 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2019-2020 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2018-2019 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2017-2018 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2016-2017 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2015-2016 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2014-2015 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2013-2014 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary
2012-2013 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Summary