Annual Notices
Monticello School District Annual Notices
Notice for Pesticide Applications
A Minnesota state law requires schools to inform parents and guardians if they apply certain pesticides on school property.
Specifically, this law requires schools that apply these pesticides to maintain an estimated schedule of pesticide applications and to make the schedule available to parents and guardians for review or copying at each school office.
State law also requires that you be told that the long-term health effects on children from the application of such pesticides or the class of chemicals to which they belong may not be fully understood.
If you would like to be notified prior to pesticide applications made on days other than those specified in the estimated schedule (excluding emergency applications), or if you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact: Terry Woodworth.
Asbestos - Annual Notification of Availability of the Management Plan and Related Activities
Our district has been inspected for asbestos under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986. Some asbestos containing materials were found in Monticello Middle School and Pinewood Elementary. There is no known asbestos in the remaining buildings. A management plan detailing the location and description of the asbestos containing building materials has been submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education and is available for your inspection at the Administrative Office and at the respective school offices. The asbestos containing building materials are maintained in good condition.
As required by federal law, the condition of asbestos in our district is surveyed every six months as part of an ongoing operations and maintenance program. Surveillance deadlines are January 9th and July 9th of each year. The asbestos is inspected every three years by a certified asbestos inspector and the plan is reviewed by a certified management planner. If you have any questions or concerns, please address them to our asbestos designated person, Terry Woodworth.
Indoor Air Quality Management Plan
Independent School District 882 has adopted an Indoor Air Quality Management Plan. This plan will be used by the school district to identify and implement the district’s commitment to the best indoor air quality for the students, parents, and staff. The plan contains maintenance procedures, building surveys, IAQ policies, and procedures for handling indoor air quality concerns and complaints. If you would like to view the Indoor Air Quality Management Plan or if you have any questions or concerns regarding indoor air quality at any of the district’s buildings, please contact the district’s Indoor Air Quality Coordinator, Terry Woodworth.
Lead in Water Management
Monticello Public Schools have conducted sampling for lead in drinking water. While the major source of lead exposure for most Minnesota children is paint, lead in plumbing fixtures can add to a person’s overall exposure. Drinking water in buildings may contain lead from old lead pipes, plumbing fixtures (ex., fountains and faucets), or solder that joins pipe sections together. A school designee sampled fixtures that are commonly used for drinking and cooking and sent them to a certified drinking water laboratory for analysis. Testing results can be found below. If you have questions about a lead sample result at a specific tap and actions taken, or if you have concerns, please contact Terry Woodworth.
To learn more about lead hazards and lead poisoning prevention: MDH Lead Program.
Eastview Education Center Lead in Water Test Results
Pinewood Elementary Lead in Water Test Results
Little Mountain Elementary Lead in Water Test Results
Pinewood Elementary Retest Results